Friday, October 09, 2009

I'm a winner! Thank you!

No, not the grand prize, but I did win a first prize in the Jose Ole Recipe contest and got a $100 gift card to! Thank you SO, SO much to anyone who voted for me, you're the best! (And thanks Jose!) Now I have to decide what to get~ I know I want one of these for sure:
What would you get?


Leslie said...

Congratulations!!!! I think you deserved the grand prize! But maybe that is the mom in me talking.

bkbills said...

I'm so happy for you! That is awesome! I wish you could have won the grand prize too, but still $100 will get you a lot of gadgets! I'm always looking at I want to know what you end up with!

Kasey said...

Congrats! I totally voted for you!

Staci said...

congratulations Katie! Hope you have fun shopping.