Isn't he a doll? Full of smiles and still so sleepy! I'm still not getting enough done around here but he is an angel and I already can't remember what it was like without him in our family!
Sunday was his first day of church and he got a special blessing from his daddy- aren't they handsome?
And doesn't this guy look so innocent?
Well he's not, and I found that out yesterday when some woman yelled at me on her way out of the children's museum that she was leaving because she doesn't
appreciate my child
hitting her child. (What? Huh? I didn't see it! I'm sorry! I'm watching 3 small kids here and holding a newborn, let me come move or distract him before you storm out of here yelling at me in front of everyone, sheesh!) He's ONE, and he's not an only child so sometimes he hits! Oh well, I'm almost over it...
But he is generally a sweetheart and he really loves his baby brother.
I'm should be back posting more often now- I got some fun supplies with gift card money, including
this new Cricut cartridge that I am really anxious to use so hopefully I'll be posting some projects soon! Scrapbooking and crafting more are on my 2010 to do list!
Your new header is so cute! I lovey. And I'm also in love with those first 2 pictures of Mr. Ford.
How do you pronounce Cricut? Is it cry-cut? Or cricket?
ah he is so cute! Rigden was blessed on Sunday too :)
i LOVE that pic of charlie and harrison! can't wait to meet that boy!
The baby is just adorable! That lady sounds like she must be a fairly new parent. She needs to take Dealing With Other People's Children 101. It's not your fault. Later she'll learn and feel badly about how she behaved. Maybe when her fourth child hits someone when she is dealing with her other kids;)
He is a darling baby and you have a cute family. I just thought I'd stop by and say "Hi." as you are one of the followers of my photography blog. Hope it's not too late to wish you a GREAT 2010.
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